Christine Ward-Paige, PhD
Christine Ward-Paige, PhD

I am a tech founder, interdisciplinary scientist, data ethics enthusiast, and mother of two — humans, rescue dogs, and rescue birds.

I write about the ocean, blue economy, biodiversity, nature, education, data, and child rearing in this pivotal time.

I've spent more than 500 hours underwater, planted more than 450,000 trees, authored two dozen scientific papers and book chapters, taught ten university classes covering urban ecology, fish ecology, environmental science, toxicology, geology, and statistics. My research has informed policy on endangered species, commercial species, biodiversity, marine pollution, and tourism.

After 20 years of being a marine scientist, I was frustrated that we (scientists) couldn't keep pace with business (e.g., fisheries), society (e.g., plastic pollution), or ocean change (e.g., endangered species). All of our results and publications are years, if not decades, behind declining marine animal populations and ecosystems. I was also disappointed by the silos, helicopter scinece, and lack of resources for local science.

I founded eOceans in 2013 to unite ocean explorers around the world and began supporting co-generated marine science. eShark, eManta, eSeahorse, eTurtle, eRay, eWhale, Great Fiji Shark Count, Global Shark Sanctuary Assessment, Global Marine Conservation Assessment — were born.

Years later, when I was frustrated with spending so much time doing tedious data entry, quality control, and analysis, and producing publications that weren't available to stakeholders and rightsholders, all while species and ecosystems kept disappearing and locals were being displaced from their historical ocean spaces because of uninformed, short-sighted decision making, I did something I never imagined I would do — I became a tech founder.

eOceans was re-born as a platform-as-a-service that automates the expertise of quantitative scientists and allows all Ocean Allies — ocean explorers, scientists, communities, governments, businesses, NGOs — to track what matters, in real-time. eOceans democratizes ocean science so that it's available to everyone, not just the big companies.

My vision is to unite all ocean stakeholders in one platform to collaboratively track, learn about, and make informed decisions about the ocean, in real-time.

My mission is to help people document and support the recovery of earth and ocean health and value — for the millions of ocean species, billions of people, and the future of this incredible planet that we get to call home.

Medium member since June 2022
Editor of eOceans
Connect with Christine Ward-Paige, PhD
Christine Ward-Paige, PhD

Christine Ward-Paige, PhD

Founder | Scientist | Mom | Sometimes I have ideas worth pursuing; often I write about